PCEC dean reflects on upcoming retirement, building a community-engaged college

Paul Plotkowski is seated at a table smiling as others clap for his accomplishments
Paul Plotkowski, dean of the 帕德诺斯工程学院 and Computing, smiles as others applaud his accomplishments during the Co-op 雇主论坛将于8月4日在埃伯哈德中心举行.
图片来源:Valerie Hendrickson

Paul Plotkowski, dean of the 帕德诺斯工程学院 and Computing, has an office in Kennedy Hall, but it's more likely that he can be found in the community, meeting with industry leaders.

It's the unique makeup of the West Michigan community that helped establish PCEC and has contributed, financially and through a vast 伙伴关系之多,以其成功. 

的 college was established in 2004 as part of the university's 学术重组. 当时还不到50只 faculty members, today, 95 faculty teach undergraduate and graduate engineering, computing, occupational health and safety courses and coordinate the Professional Science Masters program. 有2500人 参加PCEC课程的学生.

"All these programs were here at Grand Valley," Plotkowski 说. "的n with the creation of Padnos College, my initial job was to embrace the history and culture of these programs and find 它们之间的协同作用."

Plotkowski plans to retire at the end of the upcoming academic year. He reflected on his tenure of nearly two decades as the founding dean of PCEC and more than 30 years at Grand Valley, calling PCEC a model 这是一所社区大学.

"We have been at the table in this community on so many 前线,”他说. “无论是教育K-12学生 through FIRST Robotics or STEPS Camp, or meeting the talent needs of industry by being responsive with curriculum and equipment to ensure 我们的学生为就业做好了充分的准备."

two students look at a senior project in the Shape 创新设计中心
图片来源:Emily Zoladz
student in head scarf explains her project, a trifold poster is displayed on a table
图片来源:Emily Zoladz
group of students look at the Laker Racing Club car
图片来源:Emily Zoladz
PCEC Senior Project Day offers experiential learning for students who also collaborate on projects with area businesses. 图为学生 and their projects in April; students from nine area high schools 参加活动.

Plotkowski announced his retirement to leaders gathered August 4 at the Co-op Employer Forum, part of PCEC's annual Engineering Design 会议. Internships or a co-op experience are required for PCEC专业的本科生. 只有几个其他的 engineering programs in the country require a co-op experience before 毕业,他说.

的 engineering co-op program was underway when Plotkowski arrived on 1991年的校园. Now with hundreds of industry partners across the country, he 说 90 percent of students complete their co-op experiences in West Michigan, which Plotkowski 说 speaks to the area's "strong and highly diverse industrial base."

的 area's industrial sector has also proved philanthropic, consistently supporting new construction projects, like the privately funded Keller Engineering Labs, or refurbished spaces like the 最近 命名形状公司. 创新设计中心. 的 计算机学院 has expanded beyond the Allendale Campus to occupy 健康校园的空间.

"的 community has always been responsive to our needs, as we 满足他们的人才需求吗. 这是一个伟大的伙伴关系,他们的利益 与大峡谷正在做的事情保持一致,”他说.

Paul Plotkowski站在讲台后面
Paul Plotkowski announced his retirement to leaders gathered August 4 at the Co-op Employer Forum, part of PCEC's annual Engineering Design 会议.
图片来源:Valerie Hendrickson

One PCEC partnership has taken the university in a new direction. Plotkowski和B. Donta Truss,负责欧洲杯押注的副校长 Development and Educational Outreach, developed the 传统黑人学院/大学(HBCU Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) Pipeline Consortium. 因为它 was established, six colleges have partnered with Grand Valley, creating opportunities for students to earn advanced degrees while 扩大西密歇根的人才输送渠道.

Plotkowski 说 while the initial cohort of consortium students enrolled in engineering or computing degree programs, the program has expanded to other STEM disciplines and then to all GVSU colleges. "的 program is not without its challenges but we have seen a lot 成功,”他说.

He credited PCEC faculty for being innovative with curriculum and 超前思维. “最初的五年左右,我是从 前面,”他说. “有一段时间,教员和 industry leaders were stepping forward with 'This is what we should be 做.我的角色在很大程度上变成了支持."

A search will begin soon for a new dean, and Plotkowski has started 与PCEC领导层合作制定过渡计划. 那个人就是 busy as new degree programs are in the early planning stages. 和 there will always be those meetings with area industry leaders; Plotkowski 说 he spends about half of his work week out in the community.

Plotkowski 说 after retirement, he would like to stay involved in 像FIRST Robotics这样的外展项目. 800多所中学和高中 school students participated in the robotics event or STEPS Camp last year.

"I'd like to be involved in FIRST Robotics and a few other 事情,”他说. “但我希望退休后不要失败."


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